The Year I Learned to Celebrate More

I recently came across an idea so simple but oh-so revelatory: we should spend more time celebrating wins and less time stuck overanalyzing our missteps. Though I can’t recall now where I first heard this (probably TikTok), the message struck a chord. Too often do we downplay our victories, fixating instead on what went wrong. We rehash workplace mistakes while barely acknowledging career breakthroughs. We nitpick the minutiae of relationships rather than focusing on why we love the person. But what if we flipped the script and put our energy into commemorating the special times? What if we threw parties for promotions at work, or set aside relationship squabbles to enjoy a romantic getaway?

It seems so easy, but we hardly ever do it. That’s why I made it my goal to revel in the joy a bit longer, whatever that might look like, and not let the more negative aspects of life shroud the feeling of triumph. And by the way, it doesn’t have to be anything major like celebrating your birthday for a full week (please, no). It’s more about achieving something and allowing yourself to be proud for more than just a few minutes. I’m rambling, but the gist of what I’m saying here is this: slow down and celebrate, because what’s the point of all of it if you don’t?

I’m not asking you to lose all modesty; we certainly don’t need a bunch of narcissists running around. But is the reason we detest bragging because we’ve been conditioned to avoid the seemingly boastful act of self-celebration? In a [very uncomfortable] effort to rewire this thinking, here’s what I specifically have been celebrating lately…

  • I’ve made nearly double as a freelancer this year than what I made while working at an agency. 

  • I have 15 current clients, which doesn’t include those I worked with previously in 2023.

  • I’m making a big shift in January, despite my fear of change. 

  • I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone to meet new people.

  • I’m dealing with my anxiety far better than I used to.

  • I’m almost 30 and massively proud of the person I’ve become, especially in the last eight years.

This blog was supposed to be a roundup of projects I worked on this year, but I got sidetracked and that’s okay because it’s my website and you can’t tell me what to do. In all seriousness, though, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating more in 2024. And if you won’t take it from me, take it from Jay Shetty (who, I’m now realizing through reverse search, might be my original source for this whole concept):

“You remember the bad times more than the good times. Because when you’re struggling, you cry for a week. But when you succeed, you celebrate for a day. Appreciate your wins more.”


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